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It's important for patients to understand that injectables are medical treatments, not simple beauty treatments.


It's vital that you inform Dr Jake about any changes in your medical history and new clinical photos will usually be taken at the start of any treatment plan.


Downtime is often associated with the treatments performed and rarely, some complications can occur.​ Therefore the logic that because you haven't had a complication before doesn't mean it can't happen in the future. So please do read on and take note of how to reduce your risk of a complication


Cosmetic consultations can be very personal conversations. To allow you to speak openly and without judgement, we therefore have a policy that all aesthetic consultations and treatments are done in private. The means that your partner, children, family members and friends will not be allowed into the room - it's not practical and just a bit unnecessary for anyone else to sit in, listen to your consultation and watch your treatment. Speaking to Dr Jake alone avoids any unintended pressure to do (or not do) a treatment. You'll have an in depth discussion about your medical history, your features, your feelings and your goals. This should be done without anyone else's judgement or influence.  ​ Whilst we understand that it's not easy to juggle child care, our clinics have a strict child-free policy. It is not our staff's responsibility to mind children, no matter how well behaved you think they might be! We aim to provide a quiet environment where all of our patients can relax and hope that you can enjoy a brief moment for some 'me' time. So please respect this policy so that our staff can focus their attention solely on you.


You play a key part in reducing the risk of an infection or serious adverse events by coming to your consultation with clean skin. Please arrive at your appointment with no makeup, foundation, mascara, fake tan, tinted creams, sunscreen, serums or similar. If you are coming from work or a similar, we can provide you with some wipes and you can use these. Planning ahead is also important after your treatment - you must not wear any makeup, serums, sunscreens or similar skin care products for 12 hours after any treatment.


Some treatments will need to be delayed or moved to a future appointment if you are suffering from any of the following: - if you're not feeling well or feel like you are coming down with something - if you are suffering from any symptoms such a cough, a cold, runny nose or have a fever - if you have a flare up of an auto-immune condition such a thyroid disease, rheumatoid, lupus, inflammatory bowel disease, etc - if you are suffering with allergies such a itchy eyes, hay fever, a runny nose, etc - if you have a dental issue including needing a filling, have a painful tooth or are undergoing dental surgery such as an implant, root canals or gum surgery. - if you are having surgery, a colonoscopy, a biopsy or some other invasive medical procedure ​ Why are these scenarios an issue? When your immune system is triggered by an illness or your body is under stress, the immune system can occasionally recognise the injectable product as 'foreign'. Therefore the risks of complications including infections, prolonged swelling, tenderness or unpredictable lumpiness of the injected product increases significantly. If any of the above scenarios apply, please just let us know and re-arrange things to help avoid these risks. Alternatively you can edit your booking yourself online by clicking here (if it is 72 hours or closer to your appointment this method won't work and you'll need to call us) If you wake up on the day feeling unwell, please call or email the clinic with the details of what's happened. Reception will then try to reschedule you - you will not lose your $250 booking fee if you are ill and we will move you to our next available slot. (However we can't guarantee when this will be) ​ The same advice goes for dental or any other invasive procedure like surgery - include fillings, crowns, implants, any invasive treatments, local or general anaesthesia. Please complete these appointments prior with at least a 2 week gap and ensuring that you are well and fully healed. This is to avoid the possibility of bacteria entering the bloodstream, 'seeding' the injecting sites and risking a chronic infection or other rare complication. ​ Bruising, swelling and downtime: It's worth emphasising that bruises and swelling cannot be avoided by any injector. Injectable treatments involve needles and injections into the soft tissues and so they always result in some degree of downtime.  If you have an important social event, work meeting, wedding or just simply aren't comfortable with people knowing that you’ve had injectables, it's strongly recommended that you plan your treatments whilst taking the expected downtime into account. This is especially true if you are new to these treatments and have no idea what to expect. To try and reduce your risk of bruising, Dr Jake recommends avoiding the following at least five days before you undergo injectables: ​ -alcohol -aspirin -anti-inflammatory medicines (neurofen, ibuprofen, etc) -fish or krill oils -garlic/ginger supplements ​ Injectables & pregnancy: If you're female and any of the following situations apply to you, you will not be able to have an injectable treatment: you're actively trying for a baby (or not using contraception and could fall pregnant) you're pregnant you're preparing for or undergoing IVF you're breastfeeding We simply don't know the effect of injectable medicines in these circumstances as there have been no large scale studies to assess the safety of these. Please do not book a consultation if you are in one of these scenarios as you will not be treated and you will forfeit your consultation fee if you have to be cancelled on the day.


  • You'll be reminded by Dr Jake what you can and can't do after your procedure

  • You'll be sent an automatic email straight after your treatments with a copy of the aftercare so you don't need to remember it. Please ensure that you accept emails from and check your junk box also.

  • Some treatments are recommended every 3-4 months for the best results and the most consistent look. Dr Jake will recommend re-booking your next appointment before you leave the clinic so that you know you have a guaranteed booking and that it's in sync with your previous treatment results.

  • Other treatments are usually needed much less frequently but you'll be guided when your next session might be needed. If you have multiple sessions already planned, these should be booked before you leave the clinic so that you can plan your work and social diary around them.


Reviews after your treatment are complimentary and sometimes necessary. No medical treatments are guaranteed to go perfectly and occasionally a dose adjustment or something else may be required.


Treatment reviews are an opportunity to let Dr Jake know how things went and discuss any concerns that you might have. You can book a review on the day of your treatment before you leave the clinic or you can book online once you are home. If you can't find  a convenient space online, please call the clinic and we'll try to fit you in as best as we can.


Please use this option for wrinkle consultations and  only after 14 days


This is useful if you think that you might need a minor dose adjustment or you have any other questions.


NB Any additional product used will be charged for as usual.


Bruising, swelling and tenderness are part and parcel of most other treatments and will take a week or so to settle - reviews aren't usually needed for this.


Please  be patient and allow 3-4 weeks for your treatment to settle before booking in for a review unless of course it's more urgent. (Any additional product requested will be charged for as usual)

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