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Wrinkle treatments work by relaxing muscles. Over time it was noticed that patients having cosmetic treatments who also suffered with migraines often reported improved headache symptoms. 

After various clinical trials, in 2010 anti-wrinkle treatments were licensed in Australia to treat chronic migraines. 


It's important to stress that this treatment is only appropriate for patients who experience multiple severe headaches a month that are interfere with their quality of life or ability to work. Dr Jake strongly recommends seeing your GP before considering a treatment like this. You may be offered alternative diagnoses, investigations and treatments. They may also refer you to a Neurologist where the same treatment can be offered with a Medicare rebate. 



This type of treatment is not for people who get the odd headache - these can be treated with simple, over the counter headache medications if required.
When considering anti-wrinkle injections for migraines, the following criteria is more appropriate:

  • You suffer for 15 or more days a month with headaches (and approximately 8 of these are migraines)

  • It has been occurring for over 6 months

  • You've tried at least three types of migraine medications without relief from your GP



Coming soon

For chronic migraines only

Coming soon

Outstanding satisfaction

Coming soon

Excellent longevity

Coming soon


Coming soon


  • How do wrinkle treatments work?
    Wrinkle treatments are performed using tiny injections. They work by temporarily and reversibly blocking nerve signals to specific areas of the facial muscles, allowing the muscles to relax. As a result, the skin overlying the muscles also relaxes, smoothing out the visible lines. Over a period of on average 4 months, the treatment wears off and wrinkles slowly return.
  • How should I prepare for my wrinkle treatment?
    As for all injectable treatments, please come with no make up, foundation or similar on your skin. This will reduce the risk of an infection. To reduce the risk of bruising: - avoid alcohol for 24 hours prior - stop any fish oil supplements at least 5 days prior - stop any garlic, ginger, gingko biloba or ginseng in high doses - avoid any anti-inflammatory medicines (neurofen, ibuprofen, naproxen, etc) for 5 days before your treatment if possible. Prescription medicines that can make bruising much more common include warfarin or other anti-coagulants. If these are prescribed by your GP, it's not recommended to stop them. You can still have injectables but you should expect bruising to be much more common and obvious.
  • What can't I do after a wrinkle treatment?
    You can go back to your normal daily activities after a treatment except for two simple rules: 1) Don't massage, rub or wash the areas injected until the next day after your treatment. This also includes not doing things like having a massage, facial or similar straight after an anti-wrinkle treatment. (for at least 12 hours afterwards) 2) Avoid sports, exercise or vigorous activity for 12 hours afterwards. These rules help prevent the anti-wrinkle product spreading and affecting other muscles of the face that we don't want to treat. Failure to follow these increases the chance of complications, most importantly eyelid or eyebrow drooping. These are both avoidable and reversible side effects but can take several weeks or even months to settle. Avoiding alcohol after any injectable treatment until the following day also reduces your risk of worsened bruising.
  • What are the potential side effects?
    The most common side effects include: - Mild discomfort during the procedure - very temporary swellings and redness (that disappear within minutes) - bruising (always a risk when a needle is used) Rarer side effects include: - In less than 1% of cases, patients can very rarely experience eyebrow or eyelid heaviness (called a 'ptosis'). This is very rare, temporary and often resolves in three or four weeks on it's own. This might be caused by a failure to follow the after care rules described above. In this scenario, some special eyedrops might be prescribed to you to help lift the heavy eyelid but you'll need to be reviewed in person first.
  • Do wrinkle treatments hurt?
    The injections only take minutes to perform and no special measures are needed. Dr Jake uses the smallest needles available and most patients are pleasantly surprised at how easy the process is.
  • Are there any people who shouldn't have a wrinkle treatment?
    There are just a few but important conditions that are contraindications to wrinkle treatments: - Pregnancy or breastfeeding. (Patients trying for a baby, undergoing IVF or who are unsure if they are pregnant will also be refused treatments) - Rare neurological diseases such as Myasthenia Gravis Those taking the following medicines should also not have these treatments: - Aminoglycoside antibiotics (Gentamycin, Neomycin, Streptomycin, etc) - Penicillamine (used to treat Rheumatoid Arthritis) - A known allergy to human albumin A detailed medical history will be taken prior to your treatment but it is your responsibility to declare any medical problems to us in good time.
  • How often should I have treatments?
    If the recommended dose is done on the day of your treatment, the results will last 2-4 months on average. Most people therefore come every 3-4 months to help maintain a consistent appearance.


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